Am I taking too many classes in college?

I’m a freshman and will be taking about 21 credits worth of classes.
-Human Anatomy
-Analytical math 2
-Computer Science
-Philharmonic Orchestra

I took a bunch of city college classes when I was in high school and managed it pretty well, but all my friends are only taking 3 or 4 classes max. My Thursday classes even start at 8am and end at 11pm. I just really want to get as many classes out of my way as possible, it’s not like I had a life in the first place.
PS I’m going to city college right now!

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  • Sam Spayed

    Yes, too many for freshman year. I’m surprised they even let you register for that many.

    Take about 15 credits. If you find that you can do all of the coursework and get the grades you desire with time to spare, then you can load up on your schedule next year. But keep it simple for first year. Especially if you have graduate school in mind: your grades are vital. It’s silly to screw up your entire future just to rush through college in record time.

    You’ll find university classes more challenging than city college classes, which still tend to spoon-feed students to some degree, and far more difficult than high school. The professors will not tell you what to study; you will be responsible for reading the texts on your own, and the professors are free to test on subjects that they don’t cover in lecture, if they are in the texts. Most of the work at university is done outside of the lecture hall.

    Not to mention the social aspects of university, if you will be away from home. You might not "have a life" but these things can change. Even if you’re completely antisocial, there are a lot of adjustments you need to make, having to clean, shop, do laundry, etc. for yourself on your own for the first time.

    I’d postpone either anatomy or microbiology; both require a lot of rote memorization. Probably take micro first, since it is more likely to be a prerequisite to future classes.

    I’d take Microbiology, math, chemistry, and either orchestra OR computer science (not both) as my elective.

  • Aaron

    If you think that’s too much for you, then perhaps take one less or something but it’s up to you, don’t stress yourself out 🙂

  • LaTrelle

    YES YOU ARE TAKING TOO MANY CLASSES! i dont care who you are, 6 college courses is enough to make one go crazy. college classes in college are completely different than college level high school courses. though th HS version is "college level" you are still spon fed a dumbed down version as those courses are also designed to make sure it isnt too hard to graduate high school. i recomend taking at most 4 classes. youll thank me later

  • Eurydike

    That’s too many classes. How did you even get permission for that? Most freshman take four or five classes so I suggest cutting it down.

  • Simmi

    That’s way too many classes for freshman and also quite diverse since it cuts across Biology, Chemistry, Computers and Orchestra! Cut down a bit if you can. Focus on, say, the biology related subjects (anatomy, microbiology), chemistry and orchestra — that’s 4 classes. Take the math & computer science subjects at a later semester or year.

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