Best human anatomy and basic medical procedure book?
Hello. I’m going on a pre-med program in the fall and I would really like to prepare myself. I have very little knowledge about the human body and the functions and parts outside of the basics I learned in biology. I want to go into the program knowing a lot of the parts and how the body works, even if it’s just an only slightly detailed overview. I also would like to inform myself about medical procedures and surgeries. I don’t want a book that is too dense like a textbook (Such as Gray’s Anatomy), but preferably well written and easy to understand. Do you know of any books that would be of use to me? Thanks!
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"Human Anatomy & Physiology" by Dr James Ross
"The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Human Functional Anatomy" by Leon Schlossberg and George D. Zuidema
Textbook wise – I used Moore’s clinical anatomy
however if you want a basic read over about anatomy thats easy to read as well — i would suggest checking this book out
as for an Atlas for anatomy lab — Use Netter’s – hands down the best out there with amazing details !!