Can I add classes not required in my major?

Let’s say they’r not required in my major, but I know i’ll need it in the long wrong?

Like my Program Requirements for Radiologic Sciences has no science in it. For THAT particular school. Because it’s included in another school but not my school. So can I add biology, chemistry and human anatomy to my curicculum? Will I have to pay extra?

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  • You can take extra classes, yes. They won’t be added to your major. They will be considered electives. Since you need some electives anyway, it shouldn’t add to your time or costs.

  • ☆BB☆

    You can take whatever classes you want; it’s just that they won’t go towards your major (they may just fulfill any "electives" you need to take – electives are any classes you take outside your major).

    If you’re transferring to another school, I would look up that school’s requirements for that particular major. If you know they’ll require that class, it may be worthwhile taking it where you are now.

    Overall, my advice would be to talk to a counselor who can help you map out courses you need to take and courses that will transfer to other colleges.

  • Simba

    Short answer – yes you can.

    But you will want to make sure they will transfer equally to the your other school for the classes you will need. I was in the same situation and was going to take a few classes that I thought would be needed. Thankfully I spoke with an adviser and found out that they wouldn’t transfer equally and would have been useless, because what I had to take at my other school was higher level classes.

    So yes you can take the classes if needed. You will have to pay for it now, but you would still have to pay for them later anyway. So you really aren’t paying more in the long run. You might even be paying less if your tuition is less at your current school than your next school.

  • Pat in The Hat

    yes of course you can take electives

  • clara

    yes you can. As long as you took the prerequisite, you can enroll in any course you want (some course will let student in specif major to register first)

    Make sure those credit are transferable to the other school. If not you are wasting your money and time.
    If you are not taking extra credit you don’t need to pay extra

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