Role of Professionals in type 1 Diabetes

Role of the Professionals Role of the Professionals One of the many professionals involved is the paediatric diabetes nurse, which will be the main carer for the child with diabetes. The paediatric diabetes nurse specialists undertake home visits and telephone contact with other professionals involved in a child care e.g. health visitors, GPs, nurseries, schools. After diagnosis children continue to have

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Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

Causes of Diabetes Type 1 Causes For diabetes type 1 there is no real causes for the condition but, there are risk factors that go along with the disease that increase the chances of you developing diabetes.    There are certain known risk factors, these include a family history. Any child with a parent or siblings with type 1 diabetes have

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What is type 1 Diabetes

What is Diabetes Type 1? According to the NHS “Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar, glucose level to become too high’    In your body the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas is responsible for controlling the amount of glucose in the blood. Type 1 diabetes is where the pancreas doesn’t produce any

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