Do you believe in different constituent of body types?
There are different types of body of human anatomy according to some medical practitioners.
They think some body types have bigger lungs or bigger liver and there are 8 different types which is determined since your born.
Such as hepatonia, pancreatonia, etc
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Yes. I am pancreatonian. Having the stomach/pancreas as the strongest organs.
Stomach > Heart > Liver > Lungs > Kidneys
This type of body tends to have skinny legs and due to anatomical illusion gives the upper body a bigger look.
And you can eat all types of food and not gain weight because the fire(ki) in the stomach is extremely high because it is the strongest hence, uses up energy very quickly and more than others.
Hepatonians have the body type of snowman. They are slow and their liver’s the biggest and strongest organ. Then kidneys, etc.
and the question is….?