Head start before my emt course?
going into the emt course and would like a heads up from other that have completed it. whats the most important knowledge you would give me heads up on(that you learned) as far as being a emt. i was told a easy way to learn the human anatomy is to write it on my body so i see it constantly. any other suggestions? thanks to everyone and hope my q’s made alittle sense lol.
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As long as you have half a brain, you can pass the EMT-Basic course. Seriously, it was so easy. In terms of anatomy, it’s probably stuff you already know. There’s some different words, but you’ll get that all down just from using them in class (ie, tib-fib instead of shin, laceration instead of cut, anterior instead of front).
The anatomy in EMT is so simple–we had 1 four-hour lecture on it. In college I took 4 hours of lecture, every week, for two semesters, to learn basic anatomy and physiology. It’s just the very basics.
The only thing that I would recommend is buying a cheap stethoscope and BP cuff. As a basic, the thing you will do most often is vital signs, and it’s a lot easier once you get in the field if you’re used to it. At first it’s hard to take a BP, but after you do it thirty times for practice it’s second nature. Practice listening to lung sounds too, so you get used to what a healthy lung should sound like. Then you can spot a breathing problem when you hear it. Even taking pulses is worthwhile. I don’t even have to count any more–I can just put my fingers on someone’s wrist and make a rough estimate of what their heart rate is. My EMT course instructor made every single one of us take the vital signs of everyone else in the class (there were 30 of us) at least once, which isn’t a required part of the course but he thought it would be helpful. I think it was a great idea–it has helped me a lot in the field. It’s just one of those things that you can’t study or learn. You just have to practice.
The anatomy is very important. Especially learning the torso area. But one thing you must remember at all times is airway. Every answer, as far as the national registry is concerned when you take your test is airway. That is the main thing basic EMTs should look out for. Just remember your abc’s (airway, breathing, circulation) and follow steps from there, you’ll be fine and should pass the National Registry Exam, which is what your goal should be. (That test can be hard if you think to much into it)