How difficult is ultrasound tech school?

I’m starting my classes in the fall to be an ultrasound technician. I know i will be taking some pre calculus and human anatomy classes. Im just wondering if its really as difficult as im afraid it is

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One comment

  • * CeCe * 小梅* Future RDMS, RDCS

    It depends on YOU and your teachers curriculum. I knew going in that it would be difficult. Math and science are not my best subjects so I’ve done nothing but study, study and study some more. I’ve done pretty well, given the subject matter. I was told that average is usually about a B or C in each class so I don’t feel too bad. Some of the material is very tedious and boring, but it’s all stuff you need to know in order to pass the registry.

    Some tips for you: Make flash cards, draw out the anatomy, have study groups and rewrite notes if you have to. Those are all great ways to help you learn. If you have any Apple products, there’s a great app called 3D Visual Anatomy (or something to that effect) that helps you understand the anatomy better.

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