How to teach myself human anatomy?

So I am a high school student, and I have a major interest in learning anatomy and physiology. I would just take the class at my high school, BUT they don’t offer it as an AP choice, which will drag down my GPA as I am taking every other class as AP and they are weighted higher. I want to be a doctor, and I’m super competitive and hardworking and am pretty much willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. I’m just wondering, what is the best way I can teach human anatomy/physiology to myself? Is it even possible?! Thanks in advance 🙂
Hahaha I’ve already seen just about every medical show ever, excluding soap operas, and familiarized myself with common medical terms 🙂 I also checked with the local community colleges to see if they offered courses, but they didn’t.
Hahaha I’ve already seen just about every medical show ever, excluding soap operas, and familiarized myself with common medical terms 🙂 I also checked with the local community colleges to see if they offered courses, but they didn’t.

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  • I would go to a college campus and find out what text books the anatomy and physiology classes use and buy that or just find them online.

  • Newbie

    Watch Greys Anatomy or House.

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