I need a good atlas recommendation for Human Anatomy and Physiology class?
I am about to take a Human Anatomy and Physiology class, I know that this class is not going to be easy. This is my second try. On my first try, I got a B. This time I want to improve my grade. I especially need to use an Atlas that has a lot of muscles and bones structures. I was also looking for index cards, but I really need you people to help to choose which book or set of index cards to choose. Thank you.
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Ross Anatomy
Netter’s Atlas
Any one of these should be quite sufficient for your requirements. The study guide includes an atlas as well in addition to illustrations and diagrams. It’s a modern guide to study for your anatomy & physiology class, and complements other textbooks or atlases that you might be using.
It’s also a good A&P exam prep guide. I studied from Ross and got an "A".
What kind of level is this..? Is it as part of a degree, or a GCSE or A Level? Different books are made for different levels
For my degree, we were told that the Grays Anatomy flash cards were good (and they really are)
McMinns have a good atlas but it’s quite challenging – I was told that if someone can label McMinns before an exam, they’re going to do very well
Grays Anatomy (the book) is very long and full of lots and lots of extra details – great if you like reading though and it goes through basics so you really do understand everything properly (if you have the time)
All anatomy atlases will have lots of muscles and bones though (because they’re atlases) so it comes down to the book with the best style for you – some are quite annoying while some are clearer
If you’re into modern resources, there are lots of apps for smartphones and tablets – I used lots of anatomy apps on the iPad which really helped (a lot more than books!)
I have Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. Below is a link to what it looks like. Dr. Netter has sold more Anatomy books than any other author in the world. He also has corresponding flashcards of every illustration in the book. He also drew the illustrations himself. It is detail, and laid out very well. I purchased both of these to help me with Gross Anatomy in Physical Therapy school; which I just finished with an A. This anatomy atlas is also the atlas that the Medical College here in Nashville, where we did our dissection labs, uses.