Is Biology anything related to human anatomy?

The reason I ask is because I want to take Biology101 (introduction) and Human Anatomy on the same semester in school since I have much time on my hands. Would it be smart to learn about both subjects in particular at the same time? or would I be better off taking chemistry for allied health majors along with bio or hum anatomy?

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  • You really ought to take Biology 101 before taking an anatomy course of any sort. I’d go for the chemistry and biology.

  • You’ll probably learn a bit about human anatomy in Bio101, but it won’t be nearly as in depth as Anatomy. Bio101 is usually a really generally course that deals superficially with a lot of subjects to give you background information as a foundation for the upper level bio classes you’ll take.

  • Yah Baby

    Anatomy is a very, very small branch of biology, and human anatomy smaller still.

    Being able to take those two together would be like taking 2 completely different classes. I doubt they would overlap at all, other than "vertebrate".

  • You’d probably want to take 101 before anatomy, every school I’ve known has had it as a prereq. I would go for bio and chem. Most of it depends on what degree you’re going for though.

  • Sunshine Zombie :3

    Bio is related to human anatomy. you learn about cells and division and DNA and such in Bio, but it’s not specifically related to humans. bio will defiantly help you with either of those subjects because you’ll need Bio for chem and anatomy. other than that, the choice is yours as to which subject you’d like to take along with Bio.


  • The human anatomy course might have prerequisite, such as Bio 101. So check that first. I would not recommend taking the two during the same semester. It might be wiser to take the chem course with the biology course. There is a lot on memorizing in anatomy. A lot of the terms will be unfamiliar. However, some of that terminology will be learned in the bio class. So that might give a heads up.

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