What is the best way to learn thr bones/muscles of the body? ?
For anyone who has successfully completed human anatomy and physiology!! I don’t know how or where to start!
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For anyone who has successfully completed human anatomy and physiology!! I don’t know how or where to start!
Learning on a schema. For example (http://www.google.ro/imgres?q=human+body+schema&um=1&hl=ro&biw=1024&bih=509&tbm=isch&tbnid=UrY8F3ukZJhwnM:&imgrefurl=http://www.labyrinthgallery.64g.ru/const/const5en.htm&docid=_6Ho-XnAJdJKSM&imgurl=http://www.labyrinthgallery.64g.ru/const/kn3/ris10en.gif&w=317&h=219&ei=PzdaT7Ao0cezBtnB8K0M&zoom=1). You first make a simple schema and repeat by drawing it again (+ meanings), and again till you learn it, then add more bones/muscles. Repeat by redoing the whole schema. And so on. It’s how I’d choose to learn when learning something static. Even at physics I had some schemes and I learnt by that. Only I and another classmate did so and remembered it easily. Teacher was amazed how the others thought of just looking at it would help them memorize.
One at a time. Seriously. Learn in small groups of bones or muscles at a time (5-9) because that is how our working memory functions. Try to attach meanings to the names–whether from the Latin or Greek roots, or from common words (stranger the better) that attach some meaning. Meaning is the key to memory.