What is the best way to study for Human Anatomy class?

Hi, i’m currently a university student taking human anatomy class, and it contains soo much info. What is the best way to memorize all the names and characteristics for an upcoming test??

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  • live models

  • ibaray

  • Chrissy

    go through everything you have once or twice, but dont study too hard. You’ll be so worried about getting the right answers, you won’t retain any information when test time comes up.

  • JJRose

    Find pictures with labels on them and make copies. For example when you’re studying the bones, find a picture with blank lines pointing to each one. Make copies of them and see if you can fill them in–if you can’t you need to study more. Also, studying with a group helps. If your textbook came with any disks, those usually have helpful info on them as well.

  • Really taking an interest in something and researching it in depth along with all of the ailments and other things associated with it is always the best way to memorize something, at least for me. Try researching things on wikipedia to discover interesting information that will really keep you interested. Caffeine and reading right the material right before a test is also very useful.

  • Give yourself plenty of time so that you can split the material into manageable portions. Don’t cram at the last minute. The best way is to study a few pages or the names and characteristics, then try and write down as much as you can remember. Go over this and see what it was that you missed then go over that material until you remember it clearly. Do this in small portions of material. Don’t try and learn all of it all at once. Also make sure that you stop and walk around for a few minutes when you’re tired so you don’t overwork yourself.

  • Chelsea

    I pointed out all the organs/bones/systems etc. on my bf. It made it easier to memorize.

  • Bailey

    I went to the lab on days I didn’t have it so that I could spend more time looking at the actual bones and such instead of reading the textbook…It helped so much because its easier to identify a bone on paper than it is in real life. This helped a lot on both my practical’s and lecture exams. Also, be sure to do the practice tests in the back of each chapter, you would be surprised how many professors use a question or two from there!

    As far as actually memorizing everything, come up with funny acronyms…it really helps. When I studied bones and muscles I took a permanent marker and actually labeled my bodied the week before the test (where no one could see, I also washed it off before the exam…lol) just looking at yourself with the names really helps to memorize the positions. Lastly…USE POST-ITS….write definitions on them and post them all over your house. When you wake up, eat breakfast, and brush your teeth you will see them everywhere. You will be studying for just a few seconds each time and eventually you’ll get so used to them you will know the answers before you read them.

  • Heather

    Learn your root words!!! If you come up on a test and it asks you "What is your epidermis?" Then you’ll aromatically know what it is (epi-upon) (derm-Of or pertaining to the skin). Silly example, but really, root words will save you.

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