Which textbook of human anatomy and physiology can a student use to pass college and high school exams?

I’m looking for a self-study A&P textbook, not the regular 1000-page ones that cover all topics but are useless when it comes to preparing for exams on your own. If there is something like an "Anatomy and Physiology Made Easy" type book, then I’d like to know. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I’d be much obliged if you can recommend a good one that worked for you.

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One comment

  • Simmi

    Everything considered, this book should meet all your requirements:


    It is frequently updated with fresh notes, important quizzes, charts, diagrams, illustrations and other full-color study aids that help a student of any level pass his or her A&P 1 and 2 exams. This applies as much to the high school level as college courses.

    Medical students are also known to use this book alongside their usual textbooks. It’s a pretty good reference for passing exams (I have used it).

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